2015년 12월 19일 토요일

Spring Security Core Plugin Description

Secure your applications using the powerful Spring Security library quickly and easily. To get started, see the Tutorials section of the documentation. There is also a blog post and a companion screencast that demonstrates usage and a different approach to domain class modeling. There is a screencast by Bobby Warner which demonstrate the usage of Spring Security Core plugin and Resources plugins as well as some unit testing.
The documentation button above links to the 2.x docs. You can view docs for the 1.2 plugin here and the PDF version is here

Please report any issues in JIRA (see "Issues" link above).

There are also several extension plugins that depend on the core plugin and extend it by adding functionality. These include:
  • Spring Security ACL - which adds support for object-level and method-level authorization using ACLs (access control list)
  • Spring Security AppInfo - which provides a basic UI to view the security configuration
  • Spring Security CAS - which adds support for single sign-on using Jasig CAS
  • Spring Security OpenID - which adds support for OpenID authentication
  • Spring Security Facebook - which adds support for Facebook authentication
  • Spring Security Kerberos - which adds support for single sign-on using Kerberos
  • Spring Security LDAP - which adds support for LDAP and ActiveDirectory authentication
  • Spring Security Mock - which adds support for fake/mock authentication during developement
  • Spring Security OAuth2 - Provider which allows your application to be an OAuth2 Provider
  • Spring Security RADIUS - which adds support for RADIUS authentication
  • Spring Security REST - which uses a token-based workflow to implement authentication for REST APIs
  • Spring Security Shibboleth Native SP - which adds support for container provided Shibboleth authentication.
  • Spring Security Shiro - which adds support for using Shiro ACLs and permissions.
  • Spring Security Twitter - which adds support for Twitter authentication
  • Spring Security UI - which provides CRUD screens and other user management workflows.
  • http://grails.org/plugin/spring-security-core

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